anger managemenT THERAPIST
Anger is a feeling that is often easily accessible for individuals. It has been referred to as a surface emotion, but an emotion nonetheless. When mismanaged, anger can negatively affect a person’s family, social relationships, work environment. So how is one to know that they struggle to manage their anger? Below are indicators of a need for professional help with anger management.
Aggressive outbursts on a regular basis
The stimulus for the outburst is often less than the response
Anxiety and Stress precedes the outburst
Struggle to control the anger
Regret and remorse after the anger outburst
Though a person may not have anger outbursts, there are other indicators of a need for anger management in the form of:
Shutting down within a relationship and feeling righteous in doing so.
Passive Aggressiveness
Behaving in a way that intentionally hurts someone emotionally.
Anger comes in many different shapes and sizes. And developing a plan to manage anger is no different. There are many factors that cause a struggle to manage anger, including: Unhealthy family dynamics, peer or social relationships, and a struggle to communicate other emotions, to name a few. That being said, anger can be managed!
There are several ways to address anger, and all are considered at Philadelphia Wellness Therapy:
Working to accept and understand anger with self-compassion.
Learning about what triggers anger, and about physical cues that can be a warning sign.
Using physical cues to know when to implement coping skills that may reduce one’s reaction to the anger.
Exploring emotions underneath the anger and learning to communicate these emotions in healthy, assertive way.
Call Mike at Philadelphia Wellness Therapy to schedule a free consultation and discuss anger management.